Emily Doris

Accredited Exercise Physiologist

  • Company:Movement Essentials
  • Group:Exercise Physiologist, Pilates Instructor, Strength & Conditioning

Emily Doris

Accredited Exercise Physiologist

Emily is excited to join the Movement Essentials team as a dynamic, nurturing and experienced Accredited Exercise Physiologist. With a deep passion for supporting your movement goals, she is experienced in neurological rehabilitation, pre/post-surgical care, and enhancing sporting performance. Emily can help you, regardless of your age! She enjoys keeping ageing people able and stable, as well as finding fun and meaningful methods for kids to get active, strong and improve their co-ordination. We are excited to have Emily expand our movement coaching services through one-on-one consultations and instructing gym group classes. We are also eager to support Emily as she gradually develops her Pilates instructor skills, with the goal of integrating Pilates into her growing expertise.